803 research outputs found

    Trap-Assisted Tunneling in the Schottky Barrier

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    The paper presents a new way how to calculate the currents in a Schottky barrier. The novel phenomeno-logical model extends the Shockley-Read-Hall recombi-nation-generation theory of trap-assisted tunneling. The proposed approach explains the occurrence of large leakage currents in Schottky structures on wide band semi-conductors with a high Schottky barrier (above 1 eV) and with a high density of traps. Under certain conditions, trap-assisted tunneling (TAT) plays a more important role than direct tunneling

    Properties of the inner penumbral boundary and temporal evolution of a decaying sunspot

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    It was empirically determined that the umbra-penumbra boundaries of stable sunspots are characterized by a constant value of the vertical magnetic field. We analyzed the evolution of the photospheric magnetic field properties of a decaying sunspot belonging to NOAA 11277 between August 28 - September 3, 2011. The observations were acquired with the spectropolarimeter on-board of the Hinode satellite. We aim to proof the validity of the constant vertical magnetic-field boundary between the umbra and penumbra in decaying sunspots. A spectral-line inversion technique was used to infer the magnetic field vector from the full-Stokes profiles. In total, eight maps were inverted and the variation of the magnetic properties in time were quantified using linear or quadratic fits. We found a linear decay of the umbral vertical magnetic field, magnetic flux, and area. The penumbra showed a linear increase of the vertical magnetic field and a sharp decay of the magnetic flux. In addition, the penumbral area quadratically decayed. The vertical component of the magnetic field is weaker on the umbra-penumbra boundary of the studied decaying sunspot compared to stable sunspots. Its value seem to be steadily decreasing during the decay phase. Moreover, at any time of the shown sunspot decay, the inner penumbra boundary does not match with a constant value of the vertical magnetic field, contrary to what was seen in stable sunspots. During the decaying phase of the studied sunspot, the umbra does not have a sufficiently strong vertical component of the magnetic field and is thus unstable and prone to be disintegrated by convection or magnetic diffusion. No constant value of the vertical magnetic field was found for the inner penumbral boundary.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 6 pages, 7 figure

    Sixty GHz IMPATT diode development

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    The objective of this program is to develop 60 GHz GaAs IMPATT Diodes suitable for communications applications. The performance goal of the 60 GHz IMPATT is 1W CW output power with a conversion efficiency of 15 percent and 10 year life time. During the course of the program, double drift (DD) GaAs IMPATT Diodes have been developed resulting in the state of the art performance at V band frequencies. A CW output power of 1.12 W was demonstrated at 51.9 GHz with 9.7 percent efficiency. The best conversion efficiency achieved was 15.3 percent. V band DD GaAs IMPATTs were developed using both small signal and large signal analyses. GaAs wafers of DD flat, DD hybrid, and DD Read profiles using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) were developed with excellent doping profile control. Wafer evaluation was routinely made by the capacitance versus voltage (C-V) measurement. Ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) analysis was also used for more detailed profile evaluation

    V620 Oph = CoRoT 104190253 - a misclassified RR Lyrae star

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    Frequency analysis of the first-overtone RR Lyrae stars based on the Extended Aperture Photometry from the K2 data

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    Additional low-amplitude signals are observed in many RR Lyrae stars, beside the pulsations in radial modes. The most common ones are short-period signals forming a period ratio of around 0.60--0.65 with the first overtone, or long-period signals forming a period ratio of around 0.68. The RR Lyrae stars may also exhibit quasi-periodic modulation of the light curves, known as the Blazhko effect. We used the extensive sample of the first-overtone RR Lyrae stars observed by the Kepler telescope during the K2 mission to search for and characterize these low-amplitude additional signals. K2 data provides space-based photometry for a statistically significant sample. Hence this data is excellent to study in detail pulsation properties of RR Lyrae stars. We used K2 space-based photometry for RR Lyrae candidates from Campaigns 0-19. We selected RR Lyrae stars pulsating in the first overtone and performed a frequency analysis for each star to characterize their frequency contents. We classified 452 stars as first-overtone RR Lyrae. From that sample, we selected 281 RR0.61_{0.61} stars, 67 RR0.68_{0.68} stars, and 68 Blazhko stars. We found particularly interesting stars which show all of the above phenomena simultaneously. We detected signals in RR0.61_{0.61} stars that form period ratios lower than observed for the majority of stars. These signals likely form a new sequence in the Petersen diagram, around a period ratio of 0.60. In 32 stars we detected additional signals that form a period ratio close to that expected in RRd stars, but the classification of these stars as RRd is uncertain. We also report a discovery of additional signals in eight stars that form a new group in the Petersen diagram around the period ratio of 0.465-0.490. The nature of this periodicity remains unknown.Comment: 29 pages, 29 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A&A, full tables are available upon request before publicatio

    An ultrastable silicon cavity in a continuously operating closed-cycle cryostat at 4 K

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    We report on a laser locked to a silicon cavity operating continuously at 4 K with 1×10161 \times 10^{-16} instability and a median linewidth of 17 mHz at 1542 nm. This is a ten-fold improvement in short-term instability, and a 10410^4 improvement in linewidth, over previous sub-10 K systems. Operating at low temperatures reduces the thermal noise floor, and thus is advantageous toward reaching an instability of 101810^{-18}, a long-sought goal of the optical clock community. The performance of this system demonstrates the technical readiness for the development of the next generation of ultrastable lasers that operate with ultranarrow linewidth and long-term stability without user intervention.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Five colour photometry of the RRd star V372 Ser

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    The first UBV(RI)_C time series photometry of the RRd star V372 Ser is presented to determine some parameters of the star. In April, May 2007 2812 U, B, V, R_C, I_C frames were obtained at Konkoly and Teide Observatories, 1508 V observations were collected from the literature. Fourier fitted light curves have been derived in all bands. The non-linearly coupled frequencies f_0=(2.121840+/-.000001) c/day, f_1=(2.851188+/-.000001) c/d, i.e. periods P_0=0.4712891+/-.0000002 days, P_1=0.3507310+/-.0000001 d, P_1/P_0=0.7441950, amplitudes A_0(V)=0.15399 mag, A_1(V)=0.20591 mag, and phases have been found. A_1/A_0=1.319+/-.008 has been found from averaging the amplitude ratio in the different bands i.e. the first overtone is the dominant pulsation mode. From the V observations upper limits are given for secular change of the Fourier parameters. The period ratio and period put V372 Ser among the RRd stars of the globular clusters M3 and IC 4499, mass, luminosity, and metallicity estimates are given.Comment: accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics (5 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables